The Fumes’ Success Story:
Scaling E-commerce with a 40% AOV Boost and 176% Revenue Growth


About the Brand

The Fumes, a luxury car perfume brand launched by Detailing Devils in Noida, aimed to disrupt the automotive air freshener market with a liquid-free, innovative solution. Backed by a strong reputation, the brand sought to establish an e-commerce presence that could match its enterprise ambitions. However, managing their online store and development team in-house proved inefficient and costly, leaving them seeking a better alternative. By partnering with QPe, they were able to revolutionize their e-commerce operations, achieving outstanding growth metrics, including a 176% revenue increase and a 40% boost in Average Order Value (AOV).

Website: Visit the store

Industry: E-commerce Store

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Our Impact


Revenue Increase


Average Order Value


Jump in conversions

Key Challenges

Inefficient In-House Team:

Managing an in-house team of developers became costly and unsustainable. The salaries, payroll, compliance costs, and inefficiency of their in-house developers were driving up operational expenses without delivering the desired results. The team struggled to scale the website to meet enterprise-level performance standards.

Limited Scalability & High Customization Costs:

Despite Detailing Devils' brand recognition, The Fumes' e-commerce platform needed a scalable infrastructure capable of handling growing traffic and customization demands. The high cost of maintaining and upgrading the site became a financial burden.

Underperforming Conversions & Customer Experience:

The Fumes wanted to optimize customer experience and boost key performance metrics like conversion rates, AOV, and site visits. However, without a dedicated and experienced team or the right platform, these goals remained out of reach.

The Solution: QPe’s Enterprise-Grade E-commerce Infrastructure

To overcome these hurdles, The Fumes partnered with QPe, a leading e-commerce SaaS platform designed to offer enterprise-grade solutions at an affordable cost. Here's how QPe addressed their challenges:

Cost-Efficient E-Commerce Management:

By switching to QPe, The Fumes eliminated the need for an in-house development team. QPe’s all-in-one platform not only handled all the tech infrastructure but also offered scalability without the hefty payroll and compliance costs. This resulted in a 70% reduction in tech costs for the company.

Seamless Customization & Scalability:

QPe's enterprise-grade infrastructure allowed The Fumes to easily implement custom features and scale their online store to handle increased traffic and growing customer demands. With a dedicated support team from QPe, customization became hassle-free and cost-effective, allowing the brand to focus on growth rather than tech maintenance.

Optimized Customer Experience & Performance:

Through QPe's intuitive and optimized platform, The Fumes was able to enhance the shopping experience for its customers. The fast-loading pages, simple checkout process, and integrated marketing tools led to significant growth in both traffic and sales. This resulted in a 28% increase in conversion rate, a 40% boost in AOV, and a 25% increase in site visits.

Results: A Success Story in the Making

  • 176% Increase in Revenue: With QPe's platform, The Fumes experienced a massive surge in revenue growth, far exceeding initial expectations.
  • 40% Boost in AOV: Enhanced product recommendations, bundling features, and upselling options led to a significant increase in Average Order Value.
  • 57% Increase in Orders:Optimized shopping experience and targeted marketing strategies implemented through QPe resulted in a dramatic rise in orders.
  • 28% Conversion Rate Increase: With QPe's efficient infrastructure, The Fumes' improved customer journey translated directly into higher conversion rates.
  • 25% Increase in Site Visits: Leveraging QPe’s SEO and marketing tools, The Fumes saw a significant boost in organic traffic and repeat visits.

What Our Clients Say

'Switching to QPe was a game-changer for The Fumes. We were facing mounting costs with our in-house development team and needed an enterprise-grade infrastructure that could keep up with the growth of our brand. QPe not only streamlined our entire eCommerce operations but also helped us boost our Average Order Value by 40% and increase our revenue by 176%. The support and affordability offered by QPe made all the difference. It’s rare to find a platform that reduces costs while delivering such a high level of performance. I highly recommend QPe to any brand looking to scale efficiently.'

- Saurabh Ahooja, Founder - The Fumes

Conclusion: A Game-Changer for The Fumes’ Growth

Through its collaboration with QPe, The Fumes successfully navigated the challenges of managing in-house developers, reducing costs, and optimizing their e-commerce platform. The brand now enjoys a powerful, scalable online presence, driving remarkable growth in revenue, conversions, and customer engagement. QPe’s enterprise-grade solutions have enabled The Fumes to focus on their core business - delivering high-quality, luxury car perfumes - while leaving the tech complexities behind. This case study exemplifies how brands can unlock their full potential with the right platform, ensuring long-term growth and success.

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